The Wu Radio
In no way is this an exhaustive list of Wu-Tang Clan songs, just a couple hundred of my favorites that they’ve put out collectively and
In no way is this an exhaustive list of Wu-Tang Clan songs, just a couple hundred of my favorites that they’ve put out collectively and
In 1986 Hal Needham directed the classic film, RAD. The film stars Bill Allen as Cru Jone, a local BMX rider who has to decide
I’ve been sitting on this image for far too long and wanted to share it. It was taken during an early Sunday morning photo walk
A 15 hour playlist from the greatest boom bap hip hop producer to walk the earth, DJ Premier.
I remember absolutely loving this movie in high school. It’s peak 90’s buddy comedy featuring Adam Sandler, in an unconventional role for him at the time, and Damon Wayans, fresh off his action block buster, “Blankman”.
Moment of Truth is hands down my favorite album from boom bap, hip hop duo legends, Gang Starr.
I still remember the first time I saw the video for “I Seen a Man Die” on Rap City. I’m pretty sure it was still hosted by Joe Clair.
I don’t even know where to start with this movie. I love it for it’s obvious theme and surprisingly for its campiness. Emphasized in one of the most arduously obtuse fight scenes I have ever seen put to film. It’s truly miraculous.
My first read of the new year. I figure I’d go with something light and playful. Lol. I’m really amped to start digging into this.