A Life in Color
It was about a year ago that my love for still photography began to burn bright again. For the 3 years prior I had been
It was about a year ago that my love for still photography began to burn bright again. For the 3 years prior I had been
After going through some of the more recent photographs I’ve made, I realized that I have been shooting from inside the car a whole bunch. Normally I’m not a fan of car shooting. The dirty windows. The unexpected bumps. But apparently I have strayed from that belief, at least momentarily.
I am no stranger to the clamorous crows that frequent Harrisburg in the winter months of the year, but I have never seen this many crows, this close, ever. Hell, I have never seen this many birds together at once, period. I don’t even want to venture with a number, but they were plentiful. If you’re on a desktop, be sure to click on each image to get a better look at their numbers.
It would seem more and more of my trips are becoming less planned and more impromptu. Which is a great thing for me, considering I’m horrible at planning. It’s not that I lack the intellectual capacity. It’s more of an energetic block type thing.
My last hike of 2017 wasn’t scheduled, but it was enjoyed. The winter sun was hanging low in the sky when Sam hit me up. He was sitting bored at his house and debating on playing some video games, but before he did he hit me up. I suggested we go out to the forest for a quick hike to breath in some fresh mountain air. He agreed.
Well… it’s that time of year again, Christmas. I suppose many would call me a grinch, or Mr. Scrooge, but I just can’t seem to
As of late I have had to cut back my coffee consumption. It’s not because I don’t like it, quite the contrary, I was drinking
Some nights when I need to get out of the house I like to go visit my long time friend Mike at his restaurant, The Summit Family Restaurant in Camp Hill, Pa. I go in an hour or two before closing, after the day has died down, and pop open my computer, drink some coffee and maybe eat a turkey club or something.
On a cold December morning I met up with a long time friend who I haven’t seen in a while, ol’ Chuck aka Huck Photo. It would seem the older I get the more difficult it is for me to see certain people. People I used to see multiple times a week I am now lucky to see multiple times a year.