Tag: fog

Fine Art Street Photography - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Prints of Peace

Two announcements. First, at the request of a very patient follower, or fan, or whatever you want to call someone who respects my photography, I am in the process of turning this image into a print.

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Canada Geese - fine art nature photography - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Geese Under a Tree

I crept cautiously through the damp grass along the tree line following the dim calls of the huddled geese. I was only rocking a 28-70 on my A7M2 so I needed to be close. As I crossed the road the geese slowly materialized from a dense fog wall hugging the Conodiguinet Creek that sat behind them.

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Susquehanna River - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - fine art photography

Fog Laden River

It would seem more and more of my trips are becoming less planned and more impromptu. Which is a great thing for me, considering I’m horrible at planning. It’s not that I lack the intellectual capacity. It’s more of an energetic block type thing.

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