Summit Breakfast Menu
A photoshoot for coffee and breakfast food, all for the new menu design for the Summit Family Restaurant.
A photoshoot for coffee and breakfast food, all for the new menu design for the Summit Family Restaurant.
Some nights when I need to get out of the house I like to go visit my long time friend Mike at his restaurant, The Summit Family Restaurant in Camp Hill, Pa. I go in an hour or two before closing, after the day has died down, and pop open my computer, drink some coffee and maybe eat a turkey club or something.
Recently I was asked to shoot some food photography for a local restaurant, Boomerang Bar & Grill. This isn’t my first go round with food shots, but it is the one I’m most happy with. It is actually only the 3rd time I’ve ever taken pictures of food. I don’t even use my phone to pictures of my Italian subs and fries.