A Return of Sorts
Well, I’m back, albeit after a brief hiatus of sorts. I switched web services yet again, I reverted back to my previous host, and maintain my
Well, I’m back, albeit after a brief hiatus of sorts. I switched web services yet again, I reverted back to my previous host, and maintain my
As implied at the end of the previous post, here are the black & white photos from my recent night trip into downtown Harrisburg.
A couple of months ago friend of mine asked if I would be interested in hanging some photographs in his business. He owns a local legend of an establishment here in Harrisburg, Pa and it would be an honor to see some of my work on its walls. But until everything is official and photographs are hanging, we shall keep its name in obscurity’s selective shadow.
I crept cautiously through the damp grass along the tree line following the dim calls of the huddled geese. I was only rocking a 28-70 on my A7M2 so I needed to be close. As I crossed the road the geese slowly materialized from a dense fog wall hugging the Conodiguinet Creek that sat behind them.
It would seem that this winter in Harrisburg isn’t going to be much of a winter. Most days the temperature tops off in the 50’s and only dips into the high 30’s at night. We have been greeted with more days of fog than days of snow. As of the writing of this post we haven’t received any calculable snow fall, a fact that I wish weren’t true.
It was about a year ago that my love for still photography began to burn bright again. For the 3 years prior I had been
After going through some of the more recent photographs I’ve made, I realized that I have been shooting from inside the car a whole bunch. Normally I’m not a fan of car shooting. The dirty windows. The unexpected bumps. But apparently I have strayed from that belief, at least momentarily.
I am no stranger to the clamorous crows that frequent Harrisburg in the winter months of the year, but I have never seen this many crows, this close, ever. Hell, I have never seen this many birds together at once, period. I don’t even want to venture with a number, but they were plentiful. If you’re on a desktop, be sure to click on each image to get a better look at their numbers.
It would seem more and more of my trips are becoming less planned and more impromptu. Which is a great thing for me, considering I’m horrible at planning. It’s not that I lack the intellectual capacity. It’s more of an energetic block type thing.